What is a "Jackpot" in Dog Training?

A “Jackpot” is 3+ treats delivered one at a time to your dog. It is used in both Marker Training for positive reinforcement and Free Shaping Training. We Jackpot the dog to emphasize that you really loved a specific behavior that your dog did or want them to start exaggerating the behavior so you can capture something slightly different.

For example, when teaching a dog to lay down- sometimes dogs do not feel comfortable enough (Secure) to lay down right away or they are confused about what you are trying to get them to do while you lure them with a treat. A great way to overcome this is to start to “mark” (VERBAL “YES” or click with a clicker) and treat for the progression of the down- bending of the elbows or lowering of the head. The lower your dog gets or the closer to the end behavior (Down) your dog gets that becomes your new “Jackpot”. Once your dog finally does a Down- JACKPOT!! and all the prior bending and lowering now gets less reward until you phase it out completely.

PRO TIPS: Deliver the treats one at a time! Do not just give your dog a handful as your dog sees it as 1 treat verses several and they will not understand the emphases. This is like comparing a $100 bill to 100 singles. the singles look like more even though the value is the same.

Be Patient and Take a Break when needed. Remember puppies have a short attention span and training should remain fun for both you and your dog!