The FREE SHAPING Training Method

Free shaping is a style of training in which you are progressively “marking” behaviors that are closer and closer to the end behavior that you are trying to achieve with a very hands-off approach. This is a great way to train as it uses a zero conflict approach; we do not put any kind of pressure -using touch or pressure from your energy and body language to direct and create a learned behavior. This is great especially for dogs who are shy or sensitive.

The way Free Shaping works is as the dog progresses closer to the goal behavior, we “Jackpot” to help the dog understand that we want them to exaggerate that specific captured behavior; meanwhile we “pay” less and less for the previous criteria. The mark with a verbal “YES” or click from a clicker lets the dog know that a reward is coming, and thus allows us to precisely mark and capture the behavior we want, even if it takes up to a few seconds to get the actual reward to the dog.  The most important thing to remember with marker training, is that a reward ALWAYS has to follow the mark.

The success of free shaping is solely based on your ability to break down more complicated behaviors into parts. It really helps to write down a lesson plan. Note you may be able to skip some of these steps based upon the individual dog and their natural inclination and confidence.

For example- Goal: Dog Picks up any Item on Command and Retrieves

Part 1. Dog shows interest in item by licking, sniffing, or touching (Can be enticed initially by making the item smell like food/treats) Mark “YES” & Jackpot. Reset by throwing a treat a few feet away so the dog is inclined to come back and check the item out again.

Part 2. Start withholding treats after the dog starts to repeat the behavior reliably- “Jackpot” when the dog exaggerates the previous behavior by mouthing the item.

Part 3. Start withholding treats after the dog starts to repeat the behavior reliably- “Jackpot” when the dog exaggerates the previous behavior by picking up the item.

Part 4. Start withholding treats and add a “Jackpot” once the dog is holding onto the item for a longer period of time (+Duration)

Part 5. Add in “Drop It” Command Add in (+Distance) how far away you are from the item

Part 6. Repeat steps 1-6 on 5 or more different items for proofing a generalization of behavior.

Part 7. Once “Pick Up” behavior is predictable, add in verbal que.

Part 8. (+Distraction)