Separation Anxiety


Separation Anxiety is characterized by a dog becoming extremely distressed when they are alone. From pacing and whining for prolonged periods, to obsessive barking and destructive behavior to themselves and environment- Preventing Separation Anxiety is very important when raising a puppy or forming a new relationship with an adopted dog. Here are some tips that may help you with your dog.

Discourage "Velcro Dog" behaviors: ie. Following you everywhere, when you move- your dog moves. This also includes sleeping with your dog and constantly sharring affection with them no matter their behavior. If your dog only practices relaxation when they are on top of you, when you leave, they may not understand what to do with themselves.

Set healthy boundaries- teach "Down/Stay" "Place" & "Crate" I often suggest putting a designated Nap Time in place if you are home all day so your dog can practice relaxing while away from you. Have a spot that your dog can lay near you rather than being on top of you.

Don't put alot of emotion or make a big deal in saying hello when you come home or goodbye when you leave. Don't reward needy/whiney behavior with your attention. Ignore the crazy, Reward the calm. Teach your dog how to soothe themselves by showing them demanding behaviors do not get them anything. Remember while teaching this that ANY progress is good progress even if you have to start with a criteria of 5-7 seconds of calm quiet behavior before you reward with your attention.

Regular physical and mental excersice or enrichment will help ballance out hormones and make it easier for them to relax.

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